
Holiday Traditions That Having Nothing To Do With Gifts

Now that my son is older I think about holiday traditions, not gifts. I know you're bored and burned out on Covid and being stuck with your people 24/7. People are buying so much crap in the middle of a pandemic and an economic downturn FedEx can't keep up. Your inbox...

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12 Days Of ADHD Christmas

****This is the Twelve Days of ADHD Christmas - COVID edition. Most of us have been cooped up since March of 2020, so we're feeling more anxious and irritable than ever. Despite how it may seem, I really do enjoy the holidays. I enjoy the community giving aspect of...

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A Low-Key Thanksgiving Menu

  So as I wrote in this post, I usually get pretty stressed out this time of year. I have a love/hate relationship with the holidays. I want everything to be beautiful and smell really good. But somehow the idea of getting my house together and socializing is too...

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A Winter Attitude Adjustment

  I don’t know about you, but this time of year always feels a little depressing to me. Fall is so beautiful and inspiring, while winter is just …cold. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians 4-6% of Americans suffer each winter with Seasonal...

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New Year’s Resolutions You Will Want To Keep

  I know everybody talks about making resolutions. I also know that most people make resolutions that are either unrealistic or too complicated to last more than a few days. Trust me, I know all about failed diets and workout plans. In all honesty, I have never...

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I Started A Blog For ADHD Women

  In early 2015 I was desperate to form a community for ADHD women. I wanted something different from what I was finding all over Facebook. I wanted an educational resource with a positive spin, so I started researching like a crazy person. While reading Terry...

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Cutting-Edge Gifts For Technology Lovers

  Last week I had to text my husband, who was away on a business trip, to ask him how to operate the old wii in our living room. This is a true story. I am NOT techy. In fact, I have trouble with the THREE (yes 3) remotes in my living room on a regular basis....

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Gratifying Gifts For Introverts

  I am an introvert with ADHD. Which is actually not all that uncommon. Socializing is not painful for me, but it is tiring. I need time alone to recharge. Heck, I need time alone to stare into space. My brain needs frequent rest. Luckily, the world is starting...

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7 Tips For Surviving Thanksgiving

  Are you stressed out, over stimulated and irritable for the yearly Turkey Fest? Turkey day always makes me a little nutty. Actually, the whole Holiday Season makes me nuts. I’m not sure what sets me off. I think it has something to do with my introverted...

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My Insanely Easy Way to Plan The Holiday Season

I have a love/hate relationship with the holiday season. The thing about the holidays is that there is too much to do, too much to remember. And you still have to do all the normal day-to-day stuff! If I have to shop, decorate, meal-plan, and cook how the hell am I...

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