
ADHD and Flexible Thinking

ADHD and flexible thinking don't always go together. It's a complicated equation. ADHD + negative self-talk + wonky EFs = not-so-flexible thinking. But if you think about it, Flexible thinking isn't easy for anyone. Take for example Kim Kardashian's recent comments...

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Understanding ADHD And Hyperfocus

Everyone talks about lack of focus, but there's little understanding of ADHD hyperfocus. What is hyperfocus?  It is exactly what it sounds like. When a person focuses on something so intently that they fail to notice changes in their environment, other people, and...

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ADHD and Exhaustion

Every woman I talk to mentions ADHD and exhaustion at some point. For that reason I've suspected for a while that the fuzzy cotton brain feeling many of us describe isn't our imagination or another manifestation of poor executive function. So I was thrilled when this...

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The Invisible Life of ADHD Women

ADHD women are invisible in the world. Not because you can't see us, but because you can't SEE us clearly. Many of us live in the margins because we have never found our footing. Watching everyone else seemingly get everything they want and feeling like nobody notices...

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Low Maintenance

Are you low maintenance?   I’ve been low maintenance for so long I don’t even know how to be any other way. I used to wonder how I got here, so obnoxiously people-pleasing and pathetic. Recently, I went into Venmo to do my billing and somehow I sent money to a...

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Holiday Traditions That Having Nothing To Do With Gifts

Now that my son is older I think about holiday traditions, not gifts. I know you're bored and burned out on Covid and being stuck with your people 24/7. People are buying so much crap in the middle of a pandemic and an economic downturn FedEx can't keep up. Your inbox...

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12 Days Of ADHD Christmas

****This is the Twelve Days of ADHD Christmas - COVID edition. Most of us have been cooped up since March of 2020, so we're feeling more anxious and irritable than ever. Despite how it may seem, I really do enjoy the holidays. I enjoy the community giving aspect of...

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Wonderful Websites for Women with ADHD

  Decided I should update my article Wonderful Websites for Women with ADHD, mostly because I was over on Pinterest and I noticed the graphic above was very.....old.  Below is a list of experts I try to update more often than this article. The expert downloadable...

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Do The Thing

Some people just naturally do the thing, whatever it is. I call them, “doers.” My husband is a doer. He wanted to build a murphy bed so he showed me a kit he found online. Within a day he’d ordered the kit, and within another day a bunch of lumber and boxes appeared...

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Lessons Learned From a Lifetime of ADHD & Anxiety

I'm finally starting to figure out what's what after a lifetime of ADHD and anxiety. I remember one Father's Day my mom put me in a white sun dress to visit my dad. During the picnic I got grass and food on my new white dress. As we drove home I looked down at my...

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